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Fespa tutorials

How are basement floors simulated?

Insertion of beams of type = «Basement wall» in the basement floor…

Base of the building – Elevated basements – Calculation of nv – Seismic actions

Base of the building is the level where basement floors are…

How do I change the height of a node or column?

Apply the command «Edit name» of Column (or «Edit name» of Free Node) and click on it…

How do I insert an inclined beam between two floors (e.g. diagonal bracing)?

Insertion of inclined beam with start node 1(-1) and end node 2(0)…

How do I change the diaphragm group of nodes of a floor?

Command «Group nodes to same floor diaphragm (delta group)» of «Free node» command set. When this command is selected…

How do I insert intermediate floor or basement?

If the floors are identical, upper floors may be generated…

How do I insert an inclined slab?

Inceptive description: The total plan view of slabs is inserted …

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