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Fespa tutorials

How is the elastic support of a footing simulated?

Dimensions hi and bi of footing simulation beams…

How is the buckling length of a steel member calculated?

Calculation of buckling length. The buckling length of the beam of a frame…

When and how are the imperfections taken into account?

According to EC3-1-1, §5.3, the effect of imperfections …

How do I calculate the deflection of a steel member?

The elastic length LW to be applied for the calculation…

Deflection control of steel members

In order to satisfy the deflection controls, the following should …

Diaphragmatic action of steel buildings

In case of steel beam connected with a concrete slab, Fespa…

Which entities belong to the architectural layer and which to the structural layer?

All linear entities of Fespa (Line, Arc, Spline, Hatch, Text, Dimensions) belong …

How do I modify the Layer settings while on «Paper view»?

Click «Paper view» on «Basic» toolbar….

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