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Simple to use – Architectural Software

Tekton is a 3D CAD software for architects, an architectural modeling and rendering software that meets the requirements of the contemporary architect. It is created and supported by LH Logismiki, a greek company specialised in the development of engineering software since 1979, taking into consideration the current building standards.

Two-dimensional and three-dimensional design, topographical survey drawings, parametric libraries, quick 3d navigation, real-time OpenGL, ray trace rendering, Avi movies, material take-off, energy analysis: all the above are offered by TEKTON design package.

Tekton architectural software – the user interface (architects: I. Sakellaris/ O. Douni)
Tekton architectural software – the user interface (architects: I. Sakellaris/ O. Douni)
Tekton architectural software – 2d drawings and rendering at the same time at every project phase
Tekton architectural software – 2d drawings and rendering at the same time at every project phase