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Fespa IS Videos

Fespa IS

Navigating the user interface of Report software – Part 1/2

During the design procedure reinforcements are displayed on the structural plan. After the end of all calculations structural drawings for each floor are automatically created. At the same time all data is documented in a report which can be opened edited and printed by the «Report» program, provided with Fespa.

Fespa IS

Navigating the documented results of Fespa IS, in the Report

Fespa IS structural software produces a very comprehensive report specially designed to facilitate cross-checking from the reviewers. It is well organized, conservative on paper consumption and can deliver detailed output for any beam, column, footing, etc chosen.

Fespa IS

Interoperability with all CAD software

Fespa and Tekton support DXF CAD format. In this video watch how plans can be easily imported/exported from and to other CAD systems.

Fespa IS - Concrete

Arrangement of reinforcements in height

In this Fespa video watch how to to arrange the structural plan or the column details of a floor using as a reference another floor.

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