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Fespa IS Videos

Fespa IS - Concrete

How to edit the model using 3 special commands of the beam entity

In this Fespa video watch how to make changes to the model, for example divide beams into segments, using 3 special commands of the «Beam» entity.

Fespa IS - Concrete

Detailing of composite column cross-sections

In this Fespa video watch how to define a group of columns for detailing using the appropriate command of the «Column» entity.

Fespa IS

Wind Loading

Watch this video and learn how to insert wind loads to members, using the Fespa software.

Fespa IS - Concrete

Column cross-sections of arbitrary geometry in Fespa

The cross-section’s geometry is described using the program’s linear tools. The required bending and shear reinforcements are calculated. The rebar’s arrangement can be further edited through the relevant tools.

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